Categories: Pregnancy + Baby

How to Pack a Hospital Bag: From a Mama of 4

The BIG day is coming up and now it’s time to start thinking about what you need to pack in your hospital bag. I recommend packing early (late 2nd trimester), that way you can add or edit out items as your due date gets closer. If you are well into your 3rd tri, don’t sweat it! The hospital will have everything you absolutely need for labor, delivery, and early postpartum recovery. But if you are looking to make your hospital stay a little more comfortable, read on my friend!

Some things are incredibly easy to think of when packing your bag…Extra set of clothes, toiletries, and hair ties, CHECK. So let’s talk about some less common items that will make your stay go more smoothly. These are my uncommon must-haves for every mama to be.

1. Outfits for Pictures

Something for you and something for baby!

Taking pictures in the hospital is absolutely one of my favorite things to do. Once baby arrives, you’ll find that time stands still, and taking pictures during this time will be a great way to preserve these memories forever. A cute swaddle, onesie, and a robe for you are great to include in your bag.

It’s also a nice way to pass the time while your waiting for tests or to be discharged.

2. Extra Long Phone Charger

You never know how long your hospital stay will be, and those short chargers aren’t going to cut it. Once your little is born, you will likely be tracking wet & dirty diapers, times of feedings, and how long they ate for or which side you breastfed on. If you want to make this easy, add an app to your phone that seamlessly logs all of this info.

A great free app you can use to log baby’s routine is called: Baby Tracker.

3. Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is a great tool for labor and delivery, as well as postpartum recovery. Create your own blends or buy premade versions. Just be sure that you are sourcing quality oils that are pure and using a carrier oil to any rollers you make. Some of my favorite oils to use are…

  • Clary Sage (calming)
  • Lavender (calming)
  • Eucalyptus (calming)
  • Peppermint (Energizing, helps with nausea)
  • Lemon (energizing)
  • Bergamont (energizing)

4. Heater Rice Packs

These can provide both cold and hot therapy, wahoo! I actually pack 2 of these, and alternate between both, so you always have what you need.

You can keep these in the fridge or freezer to use as a soothing cold pack, or pop them in the microwave for a comforting warmer for any aches you may have. These feel great on your lower back or shoulders while laboring, and then on your lower abdomen after delivery.

Although the hospital usually has heat packs on hand, they often don’t last very long and can be pretty uncomfortable.

Here is my guide to make your own DIY Rice Packs with things you already have at home.

If you are thinking about bringing a plugin heater blanket, be sure to check with your hospital first. They can pose a risk, and often they won’t want you to bring them. So be sure to double check before packing and remember there probably won’t be an outlet super close to you!

5. Snacks for Days

Okay, this one your partner gets to benefit from too!

Most hospitals will cater all of mamas meals, which is great, but there may be times when the cafeteria is closed. Right after the birth of my last child, we found out the cafeteria had just closed for the night…Definitely wasn’t thinking about dinner during labor! We were able order takeout and have it delivered; which was great. But the snacks came in handy, and tied us over more than once between cafeteria hours. Plus, having foods and drinks that you love can be comforting while you wait to make sure both you and baby are healthy.

Side Note: After birth hunger and the amount of hunger you feel when you’re first starting out breastfeeding is huge! You’re body just completed a marathon and you’re burning way more calories than you were before, so having snacks on hand is always a good idea.

6. Flip Flops

Pregnancy causes SO many changes including swelling of your feet and ankles, but did you know that you can actually experience this postpartum? (even more so if you have a C-section). Don’t worry it can be completely normal, your body has extra fluids it’s trying to get rid of, but always be sure to let your nurse or doctor know.

A must-have for any hospital bag is flip flops. They are incredibly comfortable and make getting in and out of bed or your room much easier. If you need to walk the halls during labor, they are easy to slip on. You can use them as shower shoes, and you won’t have to worry about squeezing on shoes when you’re ready to head home. All around they make your stay and return home, so much more comfortable.

And that wraps it up!

These are a few of the uncommon things that every mama should think about packing in her hospital bag. While there are lost of other things that are great to include and may vary whether you’re planning a natural labor, c-section, or getting induced; these are a great staple to every mamas hospital bag!

What did I miss? Do you have any favorites you like to pack in your bag? Let me know!


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