About Me

Hi, my name is Kiona and I am a stay at home mama of 3 littles! I am currently in the process of curating this space to make it the most beneficial for YOU! As you know, mama life can be a wild ride, so I’m doing my best to design this space during nap times and those sweet moments of downtime that I get to myself (hello coffee breaks!).

I’m of mixed heritage; which has helped give me a unique parenting outlook on the importance of other cultures, values and traditions. I believe that creating an environment where kids feel loved, safe, and appreciated helps them to reach their highest potential. I know that these early years go by fast and have a lasting impact over their entire lives. That’s why I’m dedicated to making the most of these moments and helping other mamas do the same with their families.

A Little Bit About My Family

We live in the Pacific Northwest and absolutely love it. It’s a combination of very steep mountains and fresh ocean air, and we couldn’t have picked a better place to set up roots to start our family!

We do a combination of homeschool and traditional classes, as well as sports (right now it’s soccer + swim!). We love spending time outdoors and traveling (both locally + abroad).

I married my college sweetheart, who just so happens to be from the Midwest. We had our first kiddo a year after and have been growing our family and intentionally creating memories ever since!

I hope you enjoy being apart of our Intentional Mamas community and find ideas to use with your family to help make life run a little more smoothly.

– Kiona

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